ACCA F4《公司法》与F7《财务报告》、F8《审计与认证业务》、P1《公司治理,风险管理与职业道德》、P2《公司报告》都有着一定的联系。
Q:在ACCA F4合同法中,考生需要了解关于anticipatory breach的知识吗?
A:Yes, as this is part of breach.
Q:如果在ACCA F4答题时只引用一个案例,会不会更高效简明?
A: One case is enough per issue. If candidates state the principle and cite the name, it isn't necessary to describe the facts of the case. Cases should be cited to support the law but they are not necessary - examples are fine too. They can be used to show the candidate understands the point of law.
A:Accountants need to understand the general legal framework and specific areas relating to business so that they can recognise where a legal issue has arisen and then be able to employ a specialist for legal advice.
The ACCA F4 Corporate and Business Law syllabus focuses on legal issues relating to business that are of most concern to finance professionals.
Q:为什么ACCA F4只提供了英国和全球机考?
A:This is due to demand by students. Over 75% of students sit the English and Global versions of the ACCA F4 exam. The remaining 25% of students sit the exam across 14 other variants. It wouldn’t be feasible to move these variants to a CBE model.

2017 ACCA学习资料大礼包(内含ACCA历年真题、考官文章、考官报告、备考宝典等实用学习资料),关注微信公众号:泽稷网校考友论坛(ID:zejiacca)即可领取: