对于会计人来说,想必都听说过CPA证书和ACCA证书吧。有很多会计人在考证的选择上,对于这两个证书难以抉择。 ACCA和CPA都是非常权威的职业资质,一个是享誉国际财会领域权威证书,一个是我国会计领域最高级证书。所以导致有些童鞋会比较纠结,到底是先考哪个证书,接下来小编从各方面,多维度来说明这两个证...
高级会计师评定条件是什么? 依据历年高级会计师评定条件得悉,高级会计师评定条件如下:请求参与高级会计师资历评定的人员,须持有高级会计师资历考试成果合格证或本地区、本部分当年参评运用规范的成果证实。依据高级会计师申报评定请求,请求参与高级会计师资历评定的人员,还需获得职称外语和职称计算机考试合格证书。...
2016年中级会计职称温习备考现已开端,怎么准确准备、温习并且最终顺畅经过考试?已成为考生们十分关怀的论题。以下是为广大考生供给的2016年中级会计职称考试不一样期间的学习主张,供我们参阅,祝考试顺畅。报考主张: 第一期间是预习期间(2015年9月21日-2016年3月底),通读教材(先依照2015...
ACCA P3Candidates are reminded there are only a few marks available for theoretical answers, the bulk of the marks are for interpretation of the infor...
ACCA P2考官报告The IASB is spending a lot of time updating and improving all aspects of The Conceptual Framework, so it makes sense to the examiner that y...
ACCA P1考官报告Some candidates are still not completing the whole paper, which seems to worry the examiner! For December there were also limited attempts ...
ACCA F7考官报告2015.12Candidate can’t interpret ration questions, explains the F7 examiner. They are also stating the obvious without offering any r...
ACCA F6考官报告 2015.12It was good to see almost all candidates attempted all of the questions, said the F6 examiner.Q1: On capital gains tax and disposal...
ACCA考试马上就要来了,又到了一年一度的考前抱佛脚大赛了!以下是ACCA考官们2015.12月的ACCA考试报告,希望大家看看考官在想什么,以及对你后面的考试和答题有些帮助!Poor exam technique rather than poor knowledge means student f...