General Comments

In this exam time management was essential as evidenced by a large number of candidates who did not fully attempt three questions.In many instances one of the optional questions was attempted very briefly or not at all!This is,said the examiner,the most common reason for not passing this exam.


A complex case scenario where candidates were asked to distinguish between free trade areas and customs unions,and look at the role of the WTO.

Part b)required an evaluation based on a net present value analysis within an international investment appraisal context,and the implications when macroeconomic and trading environment change.

Finally candidates were asked to identify and discuss the costs and benefits of different compositions of senior management teams.


This question dealt with the issues in raising various sources of finance for an acquisition and their merits.

For part b)students had to consider the regulatory and ethical issues when raising financing capital.


Financial issues in a business re-organisation through an unbundling exercise.


Treasury and advanced risk management techniques(the most popular optional question!)。
